Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Lovely Bones (2009)

Saoirse Ronan, Mark Wahlberg, Susan Sarandon, Rachel Weisz

The movie completely missed the point of the book. Despite some magnificent performances from Saoirse Ronan (Susie) and Rose McIver (Lindsey), it's entirely too fantastical and reminiscent of Jackson's LOTRs. The book is an in-your-face look at rape and murder from the perspective of a dead 14 year old girl who is trapped between Heaven and Earth. There were many important subplots that were left out of the movie, where time was spent on colors, gazebos, and the killer's horrible gray contacts. Mark Wahlberg (Jack) should really stick to action or comedy, because he was only believable in about 5 minutes of the entire movie. Susan Sarandon (Grandma Lynn) was amazing, and would've been much better if her character were given a chance to develop more, but those scenes from the book weren't represented in the movie.

If I had not read the book, the movie would have been decent. Neither the best, nor worst of the year so far. I highly suggest reading the book. I got mine for $0.50 at Goodwill... definitely the best book purchase I've made in months.

However much I'd like to go into details about the differences between book and movie, I don't want to spoil the amazing stories. Give it a read, and bypass the movie until it's out on cable TV.

How to Train Your Dragon (2010)

Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, America Ferrara, Jonah Hill

Strong characters, witty script, and great animation makes this movie great. The ethical structure doesn't overpower the narrative, but is a great message. I'm holding out on Avatar, but many have compared the animation and aerial scenes in HTTYD to those in Avatar. The best part for me is how visually opposite the characters were to their actors. It was hard listening to GB's ruggedly Scottish accent while looking at an oversized ginger viking. I really liked this movie overall, and it is great for all ages.

The Back-up Plan (2010)

Jennifer Lopez, Alex O'Laughlin

Typical romantic comedy. The previews reveal the main parts of the movie. Best character is the dog in a wheelchair. I laughed, didn't cry, and was glad to see it end. The soundtrack was girlie and expected, but with a surprisingly good song by up-and-coming artist Jessica Jarrell (JJ) called "Key to my heart." So, if you like happy endings, movies about babies, or you have some of your own, you'll like this one.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

blue car

"Blue Car" - Meg, Blue Car

I rode my bike past our old house
A rusty chair keeps your place on the lawn
Lily cuts holes in herself to hurt you but you just won't bleed
Now she won't eat

Since you left, Mom doesn't say your name
But even gone I remember your face
The way the sun stays bright when I shut my eyes
The way a torch whipping the dark leaves a long red scar

From our apartment I can't see the stars or the horizon
Only the road
I know it goes to wherever you are


"Now That I've Read Your Book" - Meg, Blue Car

I've memorized the lines. It was easy.
The dirty white pages, a margin of fancy designs.
You draw outlines of inverted heart.
But mine's real, not a Valentine.
As for the details...
As for the details... fiction, fiction, lies, lies.
I am the "coming poet who will arise."
Crippled phoenix I fly up from your bed of ashes.
When my dad left, I cut off my hands and sewed up my eyes.
But that didn't keep me from reaching for you.
Thank you for the gold star and your leaving.
Blue car, gold star.
The leaving is a gift I will always hang on to.


"Wings" - Lily, Blue Car

They can make you disappear in the night.
They break the doors and windows and then they amputate the wings.
Can you see them?
"See what?"
They won't grow because there's invisible food in the tubes.

The window was open, and she fell.


"Untitled" - Tracy, Thirteen

He was crippled
But only his body was cracked
It's not simple
Nor is it an easy matter to explain
"Let's just leave it at that" she says
And closes the holy book of lies
She covers her eyes
Denying to herself what she let happen


have you ever been watching a movie and a character has written a poem or song, and you write down the lyrics to remember them later? or you may Google the movie to make sure what you've jotted down is correct? or, if you're like me, you rewind that part of the movie and listen to it as many times as it takes to write it down perfectly?

anyways... i've never been a poet or good songwriter. i have a dozen book ideas but can't seem to write the stories. i'm a scientist by nature, lacking the natural talent for literature, i suppose. from time to time i'm going to write stuff here. whether it is my own, or a tribute to a random movie or book. here on my notepad over the interwebs. bear with me.

"The Memory of Trees" - Meg, Blue Car
The past
Everything that went before, is a dry leaf fallen from a dead tree.
The tree's been cut down,
the leaf crushed by feet and ground into earth.
So now there is only the memory of trees.
I am the disease that rots the bark of trees.
I am rust and gravity.
In my dreams we are all together again and my mom is happy.
But then the leaves all fall off the trees and my dad is gone.
I call out to him, but wherever he is he can't hear me.

it's been awhile

if i remember correctly, i've tried keeping a blog three different times in my life. i was never one for diaries, so this is hard. i try to add structure and organization so that i may have "topics" to write about each day. that becomes a chore. i don't want this to be a chore, so i'm starting anew. i may post several times in a day, or once in a fortnight (i've always loved that word!). the point being, i want this to be something of substance, not just fluff. in the beginning i'll write a lot of book and movie critiques because that's what i've been doing lately with my free time. i may also vent a lot about the people and situations in my life. venting is good, venting isn't gossip, but a physical release in order to purge the negativity from the spirit. so for now, hello world!